Palmers Pursuit Shop
12" Auto Cocker .690 Bore Barrel, Spiral vented, Nickel Finish
Auto Cocker Barrel, 12" .690 Smooth Bore Barrel - Single Spiral vented - Finish: Nickel Plate
Fits: Aliens - Autocockers - Azodin - Bob Long markers (Marq's, Intimidators, Vice, Protégé) Bushmasters 03 and up - Cyborgs - Dark Shocker - Dangerous Power markers (Threshold, G3, Fusions) - Diablo markers (AR-1s, Slayers, Wraths, Reapers) - Dragun Drallion - Dye markers - Egos - Eteks - Evil Shocker - Excaliburs - Freestyles - Gen E-matrix - Hybrid Shocker - Invert Mini - Legend - Micromag - Minions - NME - Odyssey - ONYX - Omen - Promaster - Protos - Python Impulse - Quest - Shocktech shocker - Tremor Shocker - ULE mags - Vikings - Wrath
- What does venting do? The gas travels faster than the ball, thus knocking it off course when the ball exits the tip. Venting dissipates that blast behind the ball creating a less turbulent cylinder of gas. This helps keep the ball on course and reduces the report.